Streetlights & Crime

Mr. Walter Ezell (823-1173 or is now in charge of the city’s streetlights.  There are three types of streetlights currently installed in Norfolk. The older bluish-white lights contain mercury, which has been banned, and are being replaced.  The other two are both sodium type and yellowish lights.  The older 70 watt one has an enclosed drop or rounded glass bottom.  These can be seen at some distance and produce some glare.  These are gradually being replaced by the newer flat bottom 100 watt lights which provide illumination on the road to deter crime.  If you have the older 70 watt lights and feel your street needs greater illumination, contact Mr. Ezell.

If you feel there are inadequate lights on your street, you are required to get a petition signed by 51% of your neighbors on an entire block before the city will install additional lights.  Here is a link to the Street Light petition form.

If lights are out or tree branches are blocking the streetlights near your house, contact Norfolk Cares (664-6510) or Mr. Clyde Levitt (664-6510 or and they will contact the Department or Parks and Rec and have them check it out.

Click here to download the "Street Light Petition Form"